Evan Greenberg

I am currently a PhD Candidate in Geography at UC Santa Barbara. My dissertation focuses on terrestiral geomorphic processes using multi-spectral time series. I'm broadly interested in remote sensing methods and have worked with both multi-spectral and hyper-spectral methods on data handling and correction as well as scientific applications.

You can find links to my  Github,  Google Scholar  and I welcome emails to ev.ben.green@gmail.com.

Curriculum Vitae



University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.
PhD in Geography
Thesis Title: Remote sensing of river mobility: Quantifying the Controls, Timescales, and Stratigraphic Record of River Movement

Pennsylvania State Univeristy, State College, PA.
M.S. in Geosciences
Thesis Title: Reconstructing river mobility from ancient deposits: Case study from the Willwood Formation (Paleocene-Eocene, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA)

Macalester College, St. Paul, MN.
B.A (Hons.) in Geology
Thesis Title: Soil Geochemistry and Mineral Exploration over Solution Collapse Breccia Pipes in Northwest Arizona


Greenberg, E.Chawick, A., J., Li, G., Ganti, V.,  Channel Mobility and Floodplain Reworking Across River Planform Morphologies.  Geophsycial Reseach Letters.  2024;  In Review.  Link.

Greenberg, E.Ganti, V.,  The Pace of Global River Meandering Influenced by Fluvial Sediment Supply.  Earth and Planetary Science Letters.  2024;  634 (2024): 118674.  Link.

Greenberg, E.Chadwick, A. J., Ganti, V.,  A Generalized Area‐Based Framework to Quantify River Mobility From Remotely Sensed Imagery.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.  2023;  128.9 (2023).  Link.

Chawick, A., J..Greenberg, E.*, Ganti, V.,  Remote sensing of riverbank migration using particle image velocimetry.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.  2023;  128.7 (2023).  Link.

Greenberg, E.D. R. Thompson, D. J. Jensen, P. A. Townsend, N. Queally, A. Chlus, C. G. Fichot, J. Harringmeyer, Simard, M,  An improved scheme for correcting remote spectral surface reflectance simultaneously for terrestrial BRDF and water-surface sunglint in coastal environments.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.  2022;  127.  Link.

Greenberg, E.Ganti, V., Hajek, E.,  Quantifying bankfull flow width using preserved bar clinoforms from fluvial strata.  Geology.  2021;  49 (9): 1038–1043.  Link.

Research Experience:

Research Intern, Imaging Spectroscopy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Los Angeles, CA
July 2022 - September 2022

  • Research project focused on aerosol characterization and sensitivity testing for atmospheric correction
  • Supported the EMIT mission

Research Intern, Imaging Spectroscopy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Los Angeles, CA
June 2021 - August 2021

  • Developing algorithms to apply combined terrestrial and water surface corrections for AVIRIS-NG data
  • Supported the Delta-X mission

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Univerisy of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
September 2019 - Present

  • Developing remote sensing methods to evaluate river mobility

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
August 2015 - December 2017

  • Research on historical fluvial sedimentology, incorporating field-work, visual representation and numerical analyses, culminating in a presented thesis
  • Numerical modeling of meandering and braided river dynamics

Research Intern, Exploration Geology, Big Rock Exploration, Minneapolis, MN
May 2013 - May 2014

  • Analaysis of soil geochemistry and statistics. Included multiple field-campaigns.

Professional Experience:

Data Engineer, Engineering, Blackwood Seven, Los Angeles, CA
September 2018 - August 2019

  • One of three-member team in charge of company-wide data pipelines
  • ETL development, code deployment, and automated QA/QC
  • Application development to build internal data processing products for cross-team use
  • Tools used included major components within AWS evosystem, Apache Airflow, and Apache Spark.

Developer Analyst, Data Science, Blackwood Seven, Los Angeles, CA
January 2018 - September 2018

  • Developed machine learning products for business modeling
  • Developed front-end and back-end design for data visualization used for client reporting
  • Tools used included Scikit-Learn, proprietary deep-learning framework, PostgreSQL, and MySQL

Exploration Geology Intern, Technical Consulting, Big Rock Exploration LLC., Minneapolis, MN
May 2013 - May 2014

    Engineering Geology Intern, Baltimore City Red Line Light Rail Project, Parsons Brinkerhoff, Baltimore, MD
    May 2012 - August 2012


      Greenberg, E.Chadwick., A., J., Li, G., Ganti, V. (2023)  River Planform Control on River Mobility and Floodplain Reworking.  Paper presented at American Geophysical Union 2023 Fall Meeting

      Greenberg, E.Ganti, V. (2021)  Fluvial Sediment Supply Controls Reach-Scale Migration Rates for Meandering Rivers Globally.  Paper presented at American Geophysical Union 2021 Fall Meeting

      Greenberg, E.Thompson, D., Jensen, D., Townsend, P., Queally, N., Chlus, A., Fichot, C., Harringmeyer, J. (2021)  Combined Sun Glint and Vegetation BRDF Correction over Heterogeneous Wetland Land Cover.  Paper presented at American Geophysical Union 2021 Fall Meeting

      Greenberg, E.Ganti, V. (2020)  Quantifying bankfull flow widths of single-threaded rivers from preserved bar clinoforms.  Paper presented at American Geophysical Union 2020 Fall Meeting

      Greenberg, E.Hajek, E.A. (2017)  Reconstructing fluvial channel mobility through the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, WY).  Paper presented at 11th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology

      Greenberg, E.Hajek, E.A., Chamberlain, E. (2016)  Evaluating river response to climate change using channel-bar reconstructions in the Willwood Formation, Paloecene-Eocene, Bighorn Basin, WY.  Paper presented at Geological Society of America 2016 conference meeting

      Greenberg, E. (2014)  Soil geochemistry and mineral exploration over solution collapse breccia pipes in northwest Arizona.  Paper presented at Society of Economic Geologists 2014 conference meeting

      Teaching Experience:

      Teaching Assistant, Statistical Methods for Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
      September 2020 - December 2020

      Teaching Assistant, Physical Geography 2, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
      March 2020 - June 2020

      Teaching Assistant, Geomorphology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
      January 2019 - March 2020

      Teaching Assistant, Physical Geography 1, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
      September 2019 - December 2019

      Teaching Assistant, Oil and Gas Geology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
      September 2016 - December 2016

      Presenter, Public Programs, Maryland Science Center, Baltimore, MD
      September 2014 - May 2015

      Field Work:

      May 2023 - Stoer, UK - Measuring the pre-vegetation rivers of the Stoer Group

      September 2021 - Bighorn Mountains, WY - Geobiology field courses looking at Devonian river deposits

      October 2016 - Ithaca, NY - Hydrodynamic and morphodynamic surveys of bedrock river channels

      August 2016 - San Gabriel Mountains, CA - Colluvial sample and photo-data collection

      July - August 2016 - Powell, WY - Primary M.S. thesis field-data collection.

      May 2016 - Guadalupe Mountains, TX - Stratigraphy Field Course

      June - July 2015 - Wyoming and Montana - General geological field Course

      June - July 2014 - Book Cliffs, Utah - Measured Section, collected samples, LIDAT data collection

      November, May 2013 - Arizona Strip, AZ - Primary B.A. thesis field-data collection

      Technology I've Used:

      Python, AWS (S3, Lambda, Glue, etc.), SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL, PrestoDB), Matlab, Excel, Tableau, R, HTML/CSS, Apache Spark, Javascript, Structure-from-Motion, LIDAR, Fortran, Bash